Efficiency Makes Affordability
KOPPS is a solution to Affordable, Sustainable, and Resilient housing in Canada
Reqest DemoKOPPS is a solution to Affordable, Sustainable, and Resilient housing in Canada
Reqest DemoRobust tool to extract and organize data from BIM models, empowering efficient customization and fabrication.
Web-based platform with built-in smart recommender and AI plan generator to streamline cross-phase configuration.
Advanced manufacturing technologies like robot arms to directly produce building components or parts from digital models.
Lightweight 3D viewer and headset connectivity plugin to involve client in decision making and reduce re-work.
We provide a platform for stakeholders in residential housing
development, including property owners, architects and modular
component manufacturers to exchange information efficiently,
maximize occupier satisfaction and reduce re-work & waster of
time in design coordination.
Our framework can be adapted by both private and community
housing project, boosting supply of affordable and inclusive
housing in Canada.